CamillaDSP ~ IIR & FIR Engine For Crossovers & Room Correction

A tool to create audio processing pipelines for applications such as active crossovers or room correction. It is written in Rust to benefit from the safety and elegant handling of threading that this language provides. Supported platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows.

Audio data is captured from a capture device and sent to a playback device. Alsa, PulseAudio, Jack, Wasapi and CoreAudio are currently supported for both capture and playback.

The processing pipeline consists of any number of filters and mixers. Mixers are used to route audio between channels and to change the number of channels in the stream. Filters can be both IIR and FIR. IIR filters are implemented as biquads, while FIR use convolution via FFT/IFFT. A filter can be applied to any number of channels. All processing is done in chunks of a fixed number of samples. A small number of samples gives a small in-out latency while a larger number is required for long FIR filters. The full configuration is given in a YAML file.

Phoniebox ~ RPi-Jukebox-RFID

Phoniebox is a contactless jukebox for the Raspberry Pi, playing audio files, playlists, podcasts, web streams and Spotify triggered by RFID cards. All plug and play via USB, no soldering iron needed. It also features GPIO buttons control support.

SOX-DSD ~ SoX With DSD For Windows.

Here located unofficial builds of the SoX (Sound eXchange) audio tool with DSD support and other patches (including both DSF & DFF I/O and SDM sox “effect” to convert from PCM to DSD) for OS Windows only. Provided two Windows executable files for 32 & 64 bit systems. Binaries were cross-compiled on Linux using MinGW/gcc on fully static way.

  •  DSF I/O
  •  DFF I/O
  •  SDM effect to convert from PCM to DSD

Polyphone ~ Cross-platform Soundfont Editor

Polyphone is an open-source soundfont editor for creating musical instruments, available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.


  • editing of sf2, sf3, sfz and sfArk file formats
  • compatible with jack and asio audio servers
  • built-in synthesizer, controlled by a virtual keyboard or midi signals
  • automatic recognition of root keys
  • automatic loop of samples
  • simultaneous editing of parameters
  • specific tools for musical instrument creation
  • recorder to keep a trace of what is played in a .wav file
  • soundfont browser connected to the online repository

BirdNET-Go ~ Realtime BirdNET Soundscape Analyzer

BirdNET-Go is an AI solution for continuous avian monitoring and identification

  • 24/7 realtime bird song analysis of soundcard capture, analysis output to log file, SQLite or MySQL
  • Utilizes BirdNET AI model trained with more than 6500 bird species
  • Local processing, Internet connectivity not required
  • Easy to use Web user interface for data visualisation
  • API integration
  • Realtime log file output can be used as overlay in OBS for bird feeder streams etc.
  • Minimal runtime dependencies, BirdNET Tensorflow Lite model is embedded in compiled binary
  • Runs on Windows, Linux and macOS
  • Low resource usage, works on Raspberry Pi 3 and equivalent 64-bit single board computers

NSMusicS ~ Modular Multiplatform Player

The NSMusicS plan is a multi-modal smart music software based on Electron and WPF, supporting multiple platforms.

  • Windows Professional MusicPlayer++
  • Tens of millions – song level of Music Library Management on NAS
  • Music and Entertainment Scenes (Recording karaoke and scoring…)
  • Windows Music IDE, similar to Adobe Audition:
    1. Identify songs module based on sound fingerprint technology (also open sourced as a separate project model)
    2. Guessing Your Favorite Module Based on Big Data User Behavior Analysis
    3. AI singing module based on NLP, replacing the sound of the song with your own (also open sourced as a separate project model)
    4. AI music notation module based on NLP (also open sourced as a separate project model)
    5. AI extraction of audio lyrics synchronization information based on nlp (breaking copyright barriers such as Krc and Qrc)
    6. Implement functions such as NSMusicS singing bar scoring and evaluation

Akkeyrdion ~ Chromatic MIDI Keyboard Accordion

Turn your computer keyboard into a chromatic accordion keyboard. Ah, but it already is…

Supports both right and left hand system, currently:
– C griff (right hand)
– B griff (right hand)
– Stradella (left hand standard bass system)