Foobar2000 Tagging ~ Fixing Swapped Artist | Title Tag Info

Do you have albums where the artist’s names are in the track title field, and the title of the track is in the artist name field?

Reversed artist - track title - playlist

Start by checking the file names. If the file names have both artist name and track title information, then the fix is easy, just retag the files using the Automatically fill values function.

First, select the files, then open the Properties dialog window.

Reversed artist - track title - properties

Right click and select Automatically Fill Values…

Automatically fill values

Then with the source set to File names, fill in or select a Pattern which puts the information in the correct fields.

Reversed artist - track title - auto fill values.PNG

After you select Ok, Foobar will retag the files properly.

Reversed artist - track title - properties - fixed.PNG

However, if the file names don’t contain both artist names and track title information, you’ll have to rename the files from the tags first. Select the files then right click and select File Operations>Rename

Reversed artist - track title - rename.PNG

and  after the files have been renamed, carry out the rest of the above procedure.

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